Deploying Stable Diffusion locally

Stable Diffusion is a powerful text-to-image model that can generate realistic and detailed images based on natural language descriptions. It was developed by Stability AI in collaboration with academic researchers and non-profit organizations. Stable Diffusion is based on a latent diffusion model, a kind of deep generative neural network that iteratively denoises random noise until … Read more

The minimal hosting model in ASP.NET Core 6

ASP.NET Core 6 has introduced a new hosting model that is much more simplified and streamlined, reducing the amount of boilerplate code you need to write to get your ASP.NET Core application up and running. This article introduces this new hosting model with relevant code examples wherever appropriate. To work with the code examples provided … Read more

C# .Net 6 Samples

Some example of simple .Net 6 but common coding scenarios (CS# lang v10) Could also be converted to a JSON Serializer or XML reader Parse each line from an auto genereted web hosted text file containing version info in order to perform self update. Async File Download using HttpClient { string url = Properties.Settings.Default.UpdateHistoryUrl; List<;ApplicationVersion>; … Read more

TPL and Traditional .NET Framework Asynchronous Programming

Some exciting ideas and demonstrations on how to efficiently do parallel work without the pitfalls. The .NET Framework provides the following two standard patterns for performing I/O-bound and compute-bound asynchronous operations: Asynchronous Programming Model (APM), in which asynchronous operations are represented by a pair of Begin/End methods such as FileStream.BeginRead and Stream.EndRead. Event-based asynchronous pattern (EAP), in which … Read more